Star Citizen
Keybinding Best Practices and Philosophy v1.8
- A collection of tips and best practices for keybinding setups for HOTAS, HOSAS, and other flight hardware users.
GameGlass Star Citizen Binding List 3.17
- A CSV file listing the GameGlass specific binds provided with Star Citizen.
GameGlass Star Citizen Binding List 3.21
- A CSV file listing the GameGlass specific binds provided with Star Citizen.
Star Citizen Binding Map 3.21
- My personal bindings for left and right Virpil Alphas plus Thrustmaster TWCS Throttle. Always a work in progress.
Atlanta Bar Citizen
- Activity listings for the Atlanta, GA metro area Bar Citizen events.
Serpent's Tongue
Serpent's Tongue
is a magic casting simulation card game created by UnBound Games. It is now supported by
Morally Gray Net
Codex Rules Quick Reference
- A quick reference sheet designed to look like existing codex pages and fit in the standard Serpent's Tongue codex.
Letter Sized Quick Reference
- A standard 8.5" x 11" rules quick reference sheet.